Gas Furnace Safety: Warning Signs & Tips for a Safe Home

TriplePlay Gas Furnace Safety Warning Signs Tips for a Safe Home

As the weather gets colder, we start to rely on our furnaces a little more. And while most of us know the basics of furnace safety, there are still a few things that can trip us up.

If your home has a gas furnace, you should be aware of the potential hazards it poses. This blog post will explore some common warning signs that your furnace may be unsafe and tips for keeping your home safe from gas leaks and explosions.

How to Tell if Your Gas Furnace is Safe

Each year, there are many reports of gas furnaces exploding and causing serious damage to homes and even deaths. While most of these incidents are due to poor maintenance or installation, some are simply due to faulty manufacturing.

Whether you live in a cold climate or just want to be prepared for the next big blizzard, a gas furnace is key to keeping your home warm during winter. But as any homeowner knows, furnaces come with their own set of safety concerns.

Now here are warning signs your gas furnace may not be safe:

It’s been more than 15 years since you’ve had a professional inspection.

If it’s been a while since you’ve had your gas furnace professionally inspected, it might not be running as safely as it should be. Over time, parts can loosen and break, and connections can come undone. A professional inspection will ensure that everything is in good working order and that there are no potential safety hazards.

The pilot light is yellow or red.

The pilot light is a tiny flame that burns continuously in your furnace, and it should be blue. It’s used to ignite the gas as it flows into the furnace. When the gas is lit, the pilot light goes out.

If your pilot light is yellow or red, it means there’s something wrong with the gas flow. It’s an indication that there may be too much gas in the system, which could lead to a dangerous build-up of carbon monoxide.

The most common problem is a clogged or blocked air filter. Other possibilities include a cracked heat exchanger, a dirty burner, or a faulty thermostat. If you have any of these problems, call a heating repair Choctaw, OK professional to fix them. Don’t try to fix them yourself—you could end up getting burned.

You can smell gas near the furnace.

If you notice the distinct smell of natural gas near your furnace, that’s a serious problem! Natural gas is highly combustible, so even a small leak could lead to a dangerous fire or explosion.

A gas furnace could mean that your furnace is faulty and needs to be repaired. It’s also possible that you’re smelling gas because of a problem with the piping or ventilation in your home.

In any case, it’s important to have a qualified technician investigate and fix the problem as soon as possible. Failing to do so could put your safety at risk.

If you smell natural gas, evacuate the premises immediately and call your local utility company to report the leak and perform heating repair Choctaw, OK.

You can see rust on the exterior of your furnace.

If you’re seeing rust on the exterior of your furnace, it means that the metal is corroding. Over time, this corrosion can damage the furnace and even lead to a fire.

As a homeowner, it’s important to keep an eye on your furnace and make sure that any rust is addressed as soon as possible. You can have a professional to inspect and perform heating repair Choctaw, OK if necessary. Prevention is always key!

Also, this is a sign that the heat exchanger (the part of the furnace that actually burns the fuel) is beginning to break down. A broken heat exchanger can release carbon monoxide into your home, which can be deadly.

Homeowners shouldn’t ignore rust on their furnaces, as it can eventually lead to problems with the unit’s performance or even a complete failure.

There are visible flames inside the furnace.

There should never be any flames visible inside your furnace—if there are, that means something is seriously wrong!

Flames typically indicate that there’s too much natural gas in the system, which could lead to an explosion. It also means that the furnace is dirty and needs to be cleaned. It’s usually a sign that there’s something wrong with the furnace and you should call a technician for heating repair Choctaw, OK.

When there are visible flames inside the furnace, it means that the furnace is dirty and needs to be cleaned. The flames are caused by the build-up of dirt and dust on the burner, and they can damage the furnace if left unchecked.

So if you see flames inside your furnace, be sure to call a professional for cleaning services or top-rated heating repair in Choctaw, OK.

Homeowners should be aware of the typical signs that indicate that there is something wrong with their furnace, such as increased noise levels, strange smells, or visible flames inside the furnace.

While furnaces are essential for keeping our homes warm during winter, they can also pose a serious safety hazard if they’re not properly maintained.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to call a technician to come to take a look and diagnose the problem. Ignoring these warning signs could lead to more serious problems down the road and could ultimately result in an expensive repair bill.

And remember, taking some simple steps to keep your furnace clean and clear of debris can go a long way toward keeping it running safely all winter long!

Tips for Keeping Your Gas Furnace Safe All Winter Long

Schedule an annual inspection.

To make sure your gas furnace is running as safely as possible, have it professionally inspected at least once per year—more often if it’s more than 15 years old.

An inspection will ensure that all of the parts are in good working order and that there are no potential safety hazards.

1.) Change your air filter regularly.

A dirty air filter can restrict airflow to your furnace and cause it to overheat—which could lead to a fire! To prevent this from happening, make sure change your air filter every 1-3 months (depending on the type of filter you have).

2.) Keep flammable materials away from your furnace.

It’s important to keep flammable materials like paper, paint cans, and cleaning supplies away from your furnace—they could easily catch fire if they were to come into contact with sparks or flames from the furnace itself.

3.)Never use extension cords with your furnace.

Extension cords are not designed to handle the amount of electricity that furnaces use, and they can pose a fire hazard. If you need to plug something near your furnace, have an electrician install an outlet.

4.)Install carbon monoxide detectors near your furnace.

Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, so you won’t be able to tell if there’s a leak without a detector—and by then it might be too late! To play it safe, install carbon monoxide detectors near your furnace (and throughout your home), and check them regularly to make sure they’re working properly.

Gas furnaces are ubiquitous in homes across America—but that doesn’t mean they’re always safe! Before you turn on your gas furnace this winter, make sure you’re aware of the warning signs of an unsafe unit (like an outdated inspection or visible flames inside the system) and what you can do to prevent problems.

If your furnace is damaged in any way, do not try to use it! Doing so could put you and your family at risk of fire, electrocution, or carbon monoxide poisoning. Instead, call a professional for heating repair Choctaw, OK or replacement.

5.)Never block the vents in your home.

Vents help circulate air throughout your home, and they also help keep your furnace from overworking itself—which could lead to a fire. So make sure you never block the vents in your home, and keep them clear of debris.

6.)Keep the area around your furnace clean and unobstructed.

It’s important to keep the area around your furnace clean and free of clutter—not only for safety reasons, but also to help improve the efficiency of your furnace.

7.)Don’t try to repair your furnace yourself.

Repairing a gas furnace is a job for a professional—don’t try to do it yourself! Not only could you end up damaging your furnace beyond repair, but you could also put yourself at risk of injury or even death.

8.)Have your gas line inspected regularly.

If you have a natural gas furnace, it’s important to have your gas line inspected periodically to make sure there are no leaks. Leaks can be very dangerous, and they can cause fires or explosions. So play it safe and have your gas line inspected by a professional every few years.

When Should You Call for Help?

If you’re ever unsure about something or you think there may be a problem with your furnace, don’t hesitate to call a professional for help. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

At Triple Play Home Services, we’re here to help you keep your furnace running safely and efficiently all winter long. To schedule an annual inspection or repair, give us a call at (405) 283 – 3977.